CAAP Statistics


This page is designed to maintain course materials for 2022 Statistics Summer Session.

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Instructor: Sowon Jeong. Graduate Student from the Department of Statistics.

TA: Tala Germani. Undergraduate from the University of Chicago

Office Hour

Every office hours will be held via Zoom.

Instructor: Mon, Fri 1:00pm - 2:00pm

TA: Tue, Thu 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Course Format

This course is scheduled to meet on every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11:00 am - 12:20 pm from July 5th to August 12th.

The course will include lecture on theory, examples with real-world applications and discussion based on the concepts of the day.


This course has no prerequisite—any exposure to calculus would be a plus but is not required. However, if needed, the related concepts will be covered in the lecture.

Homework and Quiz

There is no assignment for this course – I know the program has tight schedule, so please come to the lecture and try to pay attention to your best and ENJOY!

There would be supplementary reading materials that you can read by yourself. I recommend you to read it before coming to the lecture. Reading materials would provide a wide range of examples which allow you to better understand the lecture.

There will be 2 quizzes on July 21st, Aug 11th. As this course is not toward the official credit, the quizzes are designed to help you better understand the course material, but not to discourage you.


There will be one final data anlaysis project. You will go through all the basic steps for data anlaysis and able to see how the concepts from the lecture can be applied to the actual data. This project is designed to give you an insight you can gain from the data through the eyes of statistics.


You can always learn more when collaborating with others in class. For the last 20 minutes of lecture would be group discussion. The instructor will introduce the theory, related concepts and examples, and the students will try to apply these concepts into real-world situations during group discussion time.

Active participation during the discussion is highly encouraged.

Textbook & Readings

The purpose of this program is to help student prosper in college core curriculum.

To this end, we will follow OpenIntro Stat. The textbook is available free online.

We will not cover every detail of this textbook, but we will walk through all the important concepts.

List of Topics

We will cover the most basic and important topics in Statistics. Details can be modified based on the students’ demand.

  1. Introduction to Data
  2. Summarizing Data
  3. Probability
  4. Calculust Review
  5. Distributions (Normal distribution, binomial distribution)
  6. Introduction to Statistical Inference
  7. Inference on Numerical Data
  8. Inference on Categorical Data
  9. Linear Regression
  10. Logistic Regression

A detailed schedule will be maintained.

Students with Disabilities

The University of Chicago is committed to ensuring equitable access to our academic programs and services. Students with disabilities who have been approved for the use of academic accommodations by​ ​Student Disability Services​ ​(SDS) and need a reasonable accommodation(s) to participate fully in this course should follow the procedures established by SDS for using accommodations. Timely notifications are required in order to ensure that your accommodations can be implemented. Please meet with me to discuss your access needs in this class after you have completed the SDS procedures for requesting accommodations.

Phone: (773) 702-6000
Email: ​

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